Friday 17 June 2011

Another Day

Dear Diary,

It's been a while. I lost the appetite for writing
after my dear little Scruff passed away. He had
been ill, and we thought he had made a full recovery
but alas he faded quickly and died in my arms several
weeks ago.

Perhaps soon, I will feel like sharing more of my days
with you.


Tuesday 3 May 2011

Day 22

Dear Diary,

Back to work today. It's always a wrench returning to the office
after taking a week or so off. To be honest, I was pretty bored,
and felt there should be more to life than ticking boxes and
being like a robot everyday.

At least Scruff was waiting for me at the door when I returned home,
tail wagging, eyes full of love. It's certainly true what they say.. A
dog is a man's best friend.

Perhaps I'll share a poem with you soon.


Sunday 1 May 2011

Day 21

Dear Diary,

I've had a wonderful day. Went out for lunch with my parents,
and my sister and her husband. We had a good old natter and
some very nice food. Oh, and a couple of beers too!

Afterwards, I sat in my garden reading a book. Hardball by
Sara Parestsky. Excellent crime writer, long live VI. !!!

In other news I won £10 on the lottery! I matched 3 numbers
so got a small prize. Beggars can't be choosers, right?


Saturday 30 April 2011

Day 20

Dear Diary,

Off to the theatre this evening. Should be a good show. I
always try and make mental notes  during the play, some
pointers to help improve my own writing.

Getting tired of the news! Overkill on the royal wedding. It's
as though there is not other news in the world. Rather than see
the images of pampered and rich people playing to the crowds
I want to know what's happening of real importance!

Scruff barked his displeasure when I showed him his box of
biscuits was empty! Poor pooch.


Friday 29 April 2011

Day 19

Dear Diary,

So that's it. Will's and Kate are now man and wife. May they
live happily ever after!

Scruff slept all the way through the ceremony. He isn't one for
the big occasion isn't Scruff. Indeed he was in such a deep sleep
he began to snore! He did at one stage briefly wake up gave a
little whine and promptly returned to his dream world.

My fruit trees are looking good. They are starting to flower, so
they make my garden look rather handsome, if I do say so myself.


Thursday 28 April 2011

Day 18

Dear Diary,

Much, much better today. So much so that I booked a tee-
time for Sunday morning. I wish I was better at golf than I
am. Never mind, that's the beauty of sport, it's a challenge to
overcome...just like in life, I guess.

So the Royal Wedding is tomorrow. The news channels are
going into overdrive at the moment, or should that be over-
kill? Too much of the same thing, reporters stating the same
words over and over again!

Ordered some Chinese food. My favourite!


Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 17

Dear Diary,

Feeling a little better today. The meds have now kicked in
so don't feel stuffed, although my nose is rather red!

I have applied for two jobs. I need something new in my life,
I'm tired of the same old same old. Variety is the spice of life,
afterall! In saying that, my writing helps to keep me focused.

There is a couple of birds building their home in a tree in my
garden. Isn't nature wonderful?
